The Infinity Networks' Team
We are system administrators, programmers, engineers… But above all, we are a team of experienced and creative professionals, who share the passion and enthusiasm for achieving unrivalled results and making the world a slightly better place. These are the key ingredients of successful projects for our Clients, such as: Netia, Allianz, Bank City Handlowy, BNP Paribas, BASF, T-mobile.
We design and build ICT and telecommunication systems. We provide comprehensive services in terms of Internet access via optical networks and radio networks, including the construction of infrastructure, telecommunications masts, as well as fiber optic lines. We also specialize in the design of monitoring systems, as well as their construction.
Infinity Networks. Link to the future.
Radio Networks
From idea to product. From concept to implementation. A coherent idea is the foundation of success. We then combine our knowledge, experience and newest technology to bring this idea to life by creating fully functional and stable solutions, you can always rely on.
Fiber-optic networks
The world changes quickly right in front of us. You want to be part of those changes. You wish to connect with the world by being its meaningful component and contributing to its advance. Speed of course matters. But what matters just equally, is the stability and completeness of solutions, we deliver.
Security systems
What is the most valuable thing you can give to your loved ones? A sense of security. Day and night. At the concert, while shopping or on a trip. Today our pursuit for safety is supported by top-notch technology. Your safe future is just within reach.
From idea to product. From concept to implementation. A coherent idea is the foundation of success. We then combine our knowledge, experience and newest technology to bring this idea to life by creating fully functional and stable solutions, you can always rely on.
Made-to-measure micro-, utility and off-grid solutions, including self-developed devices and software with adjustability and efficiency hard to reach in conventional industrial framework.
Providing external "energy department” to every type of facility, with comprehensive (preventive and corrective) service and optimization.
Professional power solutions, including comprehensive EHV/HV and HV/MV substations development, power lines, power evacuation, custom reactive power solutions and many more.
Design and “turnkey” General Contracting (Engineering-Procurement-Construction) with full scope of solutions – from design, through construction, installations, to automation systems and commissioning.
15-399 Białystok, Poland
Regon: 200862101